About Us

MidAmerica is owned and operated by a self-sustaining public trust with the sole mission of increasing area employment by bringing new businesses to the region and by assisting in the growth of existing businesses. This mission opened the way for the crucial advantages of a park-owned water and wastewater system. It has also translated into park governance and service that is wholly responsive to tenant needs. 

A stable, protected environment: Because of revenues generated by water sales and park land sales and leases, the trust requires no state or federal tax dollars for support. Stability is further assured through lifetime appointments for three of the five members of MidAmerica’s board of trustees.

Red tape and fees eliminated: Because the trust also enjoys regulatory sovereignty, startups, expansions and relocations are streamlined with fast decisions and lower costs. There are no building inspection processes requiring approval prior to construction. Also, no impact fees, sewer hook-up charges, water hook-up charges, building permit fees, storm drainage fees or building inspection fees—all savings that can lower engineering and construction costs as well. 

Day-to-day excellence: MidAmerica’s excellent day-to-day management of park operations nurtures tenant success. The park’s staff of 35 full-time professionals, under the direction of Chief Administrative Officer David Stewart, is always ready to respond to any tenant need, from administration to water/wastewater operations and maintenance to marketing and planning for future growth. The staff also keeps the park's Plant Managers Association abreast of current industry topics ranging from recent environmental legislation to international exporting practices.