Relocate a Business

Now is the time to make your move to MidAmerica: Quickly lower your operational costs, enhance speed to market and reap transformative advantages of a Park dedicated to your success.

Relocation at the speed of business.

MidAmerica is uniquely equipped to pave the way for your enterprise success: Owned and operated by a self-sustaining public trust, the Park was created with the unified goal of job creation supported by industrial recruitment and growth. Unique regulatory autonomy allows the Park to eliminate fees and red tape, and to streamline your relocation in every way. That includes MidAmerica’s full-time team of 25 professionals serving as your strategic in-house resource to help you make the most of your MidAmerica opportunities, from building options to financing to incentives and more.

Immediate flow of cost-effective advantages.

MidAmerica builds in profitability from Day One, with abundant affordable acreage and immediate and significant savings in utilities. The Park-owned water system provides high capacity at lower costs (including no hookup fees), while electricity is provided at wholesale rates by the Grand River Dam Authority.

A world-class workforce ready today for tomorrow’s challenges.

Enjoy one-stop access to MidAmerica’s comprehensive workforce and training ecosystem, designed and funded to deliver a future-facing workforce ready today. The Park’s Center of Excellence serves as hub for the system, home to a consortium of development partners, including Rogers State University, Northeast Technical College and Cherokee Nation Aerospace and Defense. Additionally, the Center is home to Pryor High School’s Innovation Center, which immerses high school students in hands-on STEM learning. Also expanding the talent pipeline is a strategic investment of $1.2 million which has established high-engagement STEM labs in every Mayes County school district.

Speed to market, global access.

With a central location that puts 23% of the U.S. population within a one-day drive, your enterprise starts out ahead and moves faster, with interstate access, onsite Class I rail and an expanding airport also onsite. Global port access is just 30 minutes away at Port of Catoosa and 45 minutes away at Port of Muskogee.

A community and a state that supports your growth.

The Tax Foundation rates Oklahoma #4 for the nation’s lowest corporate tax rates, and #1 for the nation’s lowest unemployment insurance rates. And while Oklahoma’s costs of doing business are attractive, Pryor’s cost of living is just 77% of the national average. And the Park’s deep industrial heritage in a right-to-work state makes MidAmerica a haven for high performance and business ease.