Marketing MidAmerica to the rest of the world -


Whether it is expanding water treatment facilities, building new roads, developing a regional workforce and constructing a new airport terminal to enhancing quality of life with a new retail center or master planning residential developments –MidAmerica Industrial Park’s team of professionals work everyday to ensure our companies, and their employees thrive. That theme is among many messages outlined on MidAmerica Industrial Park’s recently refreshed website found at

“Marketing MidAmerica Industrial Park is a far reaching and complex effort to provide distinct information needs to multiple audiences each with equal priority,” said Sherry Alexander, director of new business development. “We have a great story to share, and we want to ensure visitors to our website find the information and resources they seek quickly and efficiently.” is a hub of information with key facts about MidAmerica’s competitive advantages, labor shed market, transportation, distribution and logistics, regional industries, cost of doing business stats and lifestyle in Northeast Oklahoma. It also features information about the organization’s history, leadership, partners and economic development services.

“Our goal was to create a digital destination that showcases MidAmerica as a premier business location and our regional communities as a great place to live, work and raise a family,” Alexander said.

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