MidAmerica: Ready. Set. Grow.

“I looked at some property here in Oklahoma at the Industrial Park and we moved out here. It’s the best move we ever made.”
These are the words of HE&M Saw founder, the late Gerald R. Harris. Harris shares the sentiments of many MidAmerica Industrial Park companies, whether they were founded in the Park or moved to it, many would agree, it was the “best move they ever made.”
It’s stories like these that have fueled MidAmerica’s passion for growth the past eight years, and now, after much thought, effort and even and little “blood, sweat, and tears,” MidAmerica is Ready To Grow.
Since David Stewart took over as Chief Administrative Officer of MidAmerica in 2013, there has been one focus: deliver what companies need to succeed. This focus directly benefits the companies currently located in the Park and companies considering MidAmerica.
In order to do this—deliver what companies need to succeed—MidAmerica focused on…well, everything. Updates have been made to infrastructure such as move-in ready buildings, shovel-ready sites, water systems, waste water treatment plants, roads, abundant power generation, and wayfinding signage.
MidAmerica’s team focused on the ability for companies to have access to a quality workforce and job-seekers. The Park offers career force training through the onsite Center of Excellence, a workforce center dedicated to technology, and training and career opportunities. The Park also focuses on developing the next generation of workforce with more than $3 million invested in career centers and state-of-the-art STEM labs in 18 area school districts.
Finally, MidAmerica has heavily focused on the quality of life of it businesses’ employees and their families. The District—the 162-acre development that incorporates retail and restaurants, a 100-unit multi-story living complex, 100 residential homes, 10 acres of parks and outdoor spaces, and trails—is set to open later this year.
“MidAmerica-based companies, both new and old, benefit from our ongoing investment in infrastructure, roads and safety, but also our work to recruit and train the skilled labor needed to make growth a reality,” said Stewart. “We strive to deliver the whole package on-site, which is why our investments in regional education, new housing options and quality of life initiatives support the growth of our current and future employers.”
Todd Fannin, owner of TACK Designs reflects on his personal experience of working with the MidAmerica staff. He said, “MidAmerica Industrial Park has a special way of helping its current businesses. I know the MidAmerica staff puts a lot of time and energy into recruiting new businesses, but they put just as much time, if not more, into helping the businesses that are already here. The MAIP staff are tremendous to work with.
Here at TACK, they helped process growth and expansion decisions, allowed us to buy additional land for our second expansion and have bent over backwards to help us be successful.”
With these priorities in mind— workforce development, resources and quality of life—Stewart believes MidAmerica is on a trajectory to be one of the most innovative and pro-business environments in the nation for corporate growth—organic and new business.
“Whether you are our largest employer or the smallest, every day, our team at MidAmerica begins the day thinking about our companies. Their success is our success. We’re ready to grow,” said Stewart.
HE&M Saw: Grown from 20 to 200 employees and one to three facilities since 1976.
RAE Corporation: Has seen continuous growth in sales and employment nearly every year since it was founded in 1971.
G.A.P. Roofing, Inc.: Organic growth has led to two expansions in their 30 years of business.
TACK Designs: Has seen a 350% employee growth rate and has expanded from 9,000 square feet of manufacturing space to 26,000 square feet since it was founded 2015.
Brent Electric: Grown to 18 employees and a building expansion is currently in process.
Each of these companies are among the many MidAmerica-based companies that have experienced growth and expansion created by their leadership’s dedication to success and the resources MidAmerica has made available to help its companies succeed.