The Evolution of Oklahoma’s MidAmerica Industrial Park

Originally a munitions plant during WWII, Oklahoma’s MidAmerica Industrial Park has a rich history of re-invention and transformation.
More than 60 years ago, the Oklahoma legislature formed a public trust authority to purchase the land and capitalize on Oklahoma’s resources to attract jobs and investment to the State.
Today, MidAmerica Industrial Park is the eighth largest of its kind in the world, the third largest in the United States and the number one largest mega site available in Oklahoma.
“Decades of visionary leaders at the State Capitol and on MidAmerica’s Board of Trustees have all contributed to its 60 years of success,” said MidAmerica CEO David Stewart. “The continuity of leadership and conservative, strategic investments have laid the groundwork for the growth we are experiencing.”
With a considerable critical mass of more than 80 companies and an employment base of more than 4,500 people in different and diverse industry segments, the park generates more than $732 million in wages and salaries each year. It is home to five Fortune 500 companies, including the second-largest Google Data Center in the world.
MidAmerica is centrally located between Tulsa and NW Arkansas, which is home to the largest concentration of corporate wealth in the U.S. It is within 300 miles of 10 major metropolitan cities and has a next-day service capability to 23% of the U.S. population. MidAmerica’s transportation, distribution and logistics boasts access to four interstates, on-site Union Pacific rail and switchyard, the nation’s most inland water port, and two international airports
“Like any business, an organization must continuously evolve, not only to remain relevant but also to surpass the competition,” Stewart said. “For the last 10 years, we have methodically positioned MidAmerica as a mega site for a mega employer.”
MidAmerica’s considerable competitive advantages are also responsible for explosive prospect interest.
On-site partner, the Grand River Dam Authority provides reliable and cost-effective electricity from a diverse portfolio of power generation. MidAmerica’s investment to expand its own water and wastewater treatment plants ensures the Park can be nimble and responsive to new employers’ growth and infrastructure needs.
The evolution of MidAmerica Industrial Park into a multi-faceted employment center is even more evident as it prepares for population growth in anticipation of a new, major employer. MidAmerica is attracting and incentivizing new housing developments, recruiting new retail and entertainment and investing in parks, bike trails and natural resources.
“In recent years, our focus has been on turning innovation into implementation and reducing barriers to our region’s economic advancement,” Stewart said. “We are at a tipping point where a major project will complete the transformation of not only MidAmerica, but positively impact all of Oklahoma.”