The Power of Reinvention

Some of the world’s most profitable and enduring businesses have maintained their long track record of success by constantly reinventing themselves. Apple, IBM and Lego are just a few examples of global companies that have changed to stay relevant and have done so quite well. Then there are some who did not, and we witnessed their demise.
Companies need to be able to keep up with market changes, competition and technology if they want to survive. That is why MidAmerica Industrial Park is rebranding itself.
MidAmerica Industrial Park is celebrating 60 years of success, serving 80 companies and over 4,500 employees located in the heart of the largest concentration of corporate wealth in the United States. We are home to Google’s second-largest Data Center in the world and the third-largest Agri-nutrition plant operated by DuPont.
We are much more than what our name implies.
We have been referred to as an “industrial utopia”. MidAmerica is highly sustainable. Located within the boundaries of the Cherokee Nation, we have an off-the-chart ad valorem tax base that supports K-12 education and the benefits of doing business with MidAmerica as a Public Trust over the years has created the perfect storm of resources, pro-business environment and life amenities. MidAmerica has benefits like easy access to water, power, training, workforce and we have minimal zoning and permitting requirements just to name a few.
Over the years we have identified our strengths, taken advantage of those assets and made some bold plans which are just now starting to come to fruition.
MidAmerica has become a best practices model for the state on how to do workforce development. In fact, I have been leading this effort
We recently celebrated the opening of our Center of Excellence, a one-stop training and hiring center. Not only does the center provide education and training services, but is also accessible to MidAmerica companies for research and development.
Earlier this year MidAmerica opened a BMX track, and we are building our ridership base through STEM programs. We have free bikes for local youth to use and a thriving BMX community that supports the track.
And our crowning jewel, the District, a 162-acre development that incorporates retail, residential, parks and trails near the Park, will open later this year, creating that “sense of place” that employers want for their employees.
We recently launched our new logo – a vibrant, more modern mark that better defines what MidAmerica is today – a world-class destination that has become a game changer for Northeast Oklahoma.
In fact, we are on a trajectory to be one of the most innovative and pro-business environments in the nation for corporate growth.
Reinvention is a transformation into a new form of your business that always requires changes in its approach. To get somewhere new we have to do new things. We cannot use the same old routine patterns and expect a new result. When habits are changed, results will happen.
The power of reinvention is strong. Don’t wait until it is too late.