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State Incentives

In addition to the many benefits of locating in northeast Oklahoma, MidAmerica offers several advantages that are uniquely appealing.

MidAmerica Quick Action Incentives Fund. 
The park’s strong capital position allows us, at the discretion of our trustees, to provide financing for qualified projects.

Investment/New Jobs Tax Credit Package—doubled.
Because MidAmerica is in an Enterprise Zone, these already-attractive credits get doubled. So, you can receive $1,000 per employee, or 2% of the cost of depreciable property—whichever is higher. 

Free customized workforce training
Take advantage of Oklahoma’s nationally-recognized Training for Industry Program (TIP), which provides quality training for businesses locating to Oklahoma. Choose from a range of top-ranked programs ready to be customized to your company’s needs—and provided right on-site at MidAmerica. 

Oklahoma tax exemptions and credits. 
Qualified companies are eligible for many tax incentives. Freeport property/inventory exemptions on certain goods coming into Oklahoma and leaving within nine months, for example. Tax credits and exclusions for creating jobs and making investments. And much more. 

Oklahoma Quality Jobs Program with a cash-back guarantee.
Get direct quarterly cash payments of up to 5% of new taxable payroll for up to 10 years, with advantageous options for small and large employers. 

For more details on the incentives, CLICK HERE.