Workforce Development

A labor pool of 680,000 working age residents within 45 minutes assures the size you need, while carefully designed and coordinated workforce development answers your skill needs, now and in the future.

Workforce Development: Superior coordination, collaboration through the Center of Excellence.  

Through the Center of Excellence as hub for the training ecosystem, MidAmerica brings a consortium approach to the workforce equation, pulling together the knowledge, expertise and next-generation innovation of leading collaborators from across the education, industry, community and development sectors. The result: Cohesive and aligned curriculums; ease of access; and the momentum of effective skills acquisition through training programs with collaborators like Northeast Tech, Rogers State University and Cherokee Nation Career Services. From industrial maintenance to process technology, from CNC to forklift operation, from 3D printing to lean manufacturing, MidAmerica training gets the job done, developing a workforce to the highest global standards.

Talent Pipeline Development: Transforming the high school experience into high-performance learning.

For the area’s high school students, innovation and high performance go beyond concepts to become hands-on reality thanks to high-tech STEM labs in every district in Mayes County, plus world-class programs like Pryor High School’s Innovation Center. Located at RSU’s MidAmerica campus, the Innovation Center offers high school students a learning menu ranging from applied engineering to aviation to CAD computer science and more; at the Center’s Innovation Lab students have the opportunity to use cutting-edge equipment such as 3D printers and laser cutting machines as they pursue a hands-on, project-based professional studies program. Through a partnership between the Center of Excellence and Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST), students also have the opportunity to participate in STEM summer internships to gain familiarity with STEM technologies and industrial uses. Students’ knowledge and enthusiasm about industrial careers is also promoted through the peer activities of MidA Ambassadors who promote MidAmerica and available careers at their respective high schools.

Assets and Resources: Vision, teamwork, engagement drives excellence and innovation.

MidAmerica’s partnerships and affiliations are key to MidAmerica’s development success, including partnerships with:

  • Rogers State University. RSU’s $10 million MidAmerica facility brings both students and adults the opportunities of a regional public four-year university granting associate, bachelor’s and master’s degrees in a variety of fields.

  • Northeast Tech. The go-to resource for prospective workers seeking to gain new skills or to upskill, NTC is also the designated collaborator for qualified tenants taking advantage of Training for Industry Program (TIP), Oklahoma’s custom training program for new or expanding industry.

  • Cherokee Nation Federal. Created through a partnership between MidAmerica and Cherokee Nation Aerospace and Defense, the Center of Excellence’s Advanced Manufacturing program gives workers hands-on training with equipment like CNC machines and 3D printers, while adding an important research and development resource for tenant enterprise.

  • Northeast Workforce Development Board. Among other collaborations, MidAmerica’s partnership with the Northeast Workforce Development Board has opened apprenticeship opportunities for area high school students.

Close coordination and active engagement with the region’s high schools has also been a key driver in expanding and enhancing the talent pipeline. Targeted efforts are yielding life-changing student awareness, involvement and real excitement about industrial job opportunities.